
day 1: 29.05.24

  • Registration

  • Welcome

  • keynote session 1: Damien Cardinal – ‘How to measure Si isotopic signatures in specific phases of suspended particles’

  • Lucie Cassarino – ‘What can we learn from the oldest and first d30Si diatom taxa specific record?’

  • Sophie Westacott – ‘Culturing Radiolarians for Isotope Geochemistry’

  • Francesca D’Agostini – ‘Silicon stable isotopes of phytoliths to reconstruct past water availability in Sorghum bicolor’

  • Discussion session 1

  • Keynote session 2: Kate Hendry – ‘Silicon cycling from ice-sheet to coastal ocean: insights from isotope geochemistry’

  • Lisa Friberg – ‘Seafloor nutrient factories: investigating the benthic cycling of silicon in fjords along the West Antarctic Peninsula’

  • Edwin Cotard – ‘Silicon isotopic contrast between Southern Ocean fertilized and HNLC (High Nutrients Low Chlorophyll) areas around Kerguelen and Heard Islands’

  • Mathis Guyomard – ‘Evolution of particles composition along a glacier-ocean continuum’

  • Francois Fripiat – ‘Deglacial stratification of the polar Southern Ocean’

  • Discussion session 2

day 2: 30.05.24

  • Welcome

  • Keynote session 3: Patrick Frings – ‘Does biology matter for the coupling of the long-term carbon and silicon cycles?’

  • Xu Zhang – ‘HAS-Li isotope fractionations? Investigating how and when geochemical signatures of rock-water interactions are archived within secondary phases.’

  • Tzu-Hao Huang – ‘Extremely high alkalinity due to dissolution of mica-group silicate in the pelagic sediments of the Ulleung Basin (East Sea): stable Si isotopes evidence and reactive transport modelling’

  • Manyu Chen – ‘Examining silicon cycling in abyssal marine sediments using silicon isotopes’

  • Oskar Schramm – ‘Oxygen isotopes in cherts record decreasing paleo-heat flow on Shatsky Rise (W’ Pacific)’

  • Michael Tatzel – ‘Silicon and oxygen isotope fractionation in a silicified carbonate’

  • Discussion session 3

  • Keynote session 4: Agata Jurkowska – ‘Primary sources, circulation and Si burial in marine environment of Precambrian-Palaeozoic times’

  • Yuhao Dai – ‘Physical erosion enhanced silicate weathering stabilized climate after the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum’

  • Ruchi Ruchi – ‘Constraining changes in silicate weathering and ocean circulation during the middle-late Eocene: Evidence from silicon and lithium isotopes’

  • Yi Hou – ‘Glacially enhanced silicate weathering constrained by Si isotopes and Ge/Si of biogenic silica in Holocene lake sediments’

  • Invited talk: Luc André – ‘The key role of the Archean oceanic Si cycle in the growth of early continental crust’

  • Janine L. Schmitter – ‘A robust signal in diatom δ30Si across the last deglaciation’ presented by Gregory F. de Souza

  • Discussion session 4

day 3: 31.05.24

  • Welcome

  • Keynote session 5: Félix de Tombeur – ‘Silicon dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems: current knowledge and future prospects’

  • Maëlle Villani – ‘Silicon isotopes as a tool to capture winter biogeochemical processes in permafrost soils’

  • Sophie Opfergelt – ‘Tracing changes in winter biogeochemical processes in Arctic rivers with amorphous silica precipitation’

  • Juliette Glorieux – ‘Reactive transport modelling reveals changes in properties of tropical soils subjected to enhanced silicate weathering’

  • Zhe Dong – ‘A multi-isotopic study of the role of groundwater in supplying silicon to the ocean: A case study in groundwater from Cardiff, UK.’

  • Jonas Schoelynck – ‘Quantifying the loss of silica in the Scheldt river as a result of plastic removal’

  • discussion session 5

  • discussion session 5