day 3: 31.05.24

Coffee breaks
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Session 5
Keynote session 5: Félix de Tombeur - 'Silicon dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems: current knowledge and future prospects'
Jotis Baronas Jotis

Session 5
Maëlle Villani - 'Silicon isotopes as a tool to capture winter biogeochemical processes in permafrost soils'
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Session 5
Sophie Opfergelt - 'Tracing changes in winter biogeochemical processes in Arctic rivers with amorphous silica precipitation'
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Coffee breaks
Coffee break with biscuits
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Session 5
Juliette Glorieux - 'Reactive transport modelling reveals changes in properties of tropical soils subjected to enhanced silicate weathering'
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Session 5
Zhe Dong - 'A multi-isotopic study of the role of groundwater in supplying silicon to the ocean: A case study in groundwater from Cardiff, UK.'
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Session 5
Jonas Schoelynck - 'Quantifying the loss of silica in the Scheldt river as a result of plastic removal'
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Session 5
discussion session 5
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Session 5
discussion session 5
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Lunch sandwiches
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Poster Awards. Discussion of next IBiS and conclusion of the meeting.
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Poster Awards. Discussion of next IBiS and conclusion of the meeting.
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