Session 2

Event Timeslots (7)

day 1: 29.05.24
ibis2024 ibis2024

day 1: 29.05.24
Keynote session 2: Kate Hendry - 'Silicon cycling from ice-sheet to coastal ocean: insights from isotope geochemistry'
Lisa Friberg Lisa Friberg

day 1: 29.05.24
Lisa Friberg - 'Seafloor nutrient factories: investigating the benthic cycling of silicon in fjords along the West Antarctic Peninsula'
ibis2024 ibis2024

day 1: 29.05.24
Edwin Cotard - 'Silicon isotopic contrast between Southern Ocean fertilized and HNLC (High Nutrients Low Chlorophyll) areas around Kerguelen and Heard Islands'
ibis2024 ibis2024

day 1: 29.05.24
Mathis Guyomard - 'Evolution of particles composition along a glacier-ocean continuum'
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day 1: 29.05.24
Francois Fripiat - 'Deglacial stratification of the polar Southern Ocean'
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day 1: 29.05.24
Discussion session 2
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