Session 4

Event Timeslots (7)

day 2: 30.05.24
Keynote session 4: Agata Jurkowska - 'Primary sources, circulation and Si burial in marine environment of Precambrian-Palaeozoic times'
Sophie Westacott Sophie

day 2: 30.05.24
Yuhao Dai - 'Physical erosion enhanced silicate weathering stabilized climate after the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum'
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day 2: 30.05.24
Ruchi Ruchi - 'Constraining changes in silicate weathering and ocean circulation during the middle-late Eocene: Evidence from silicon and lithium isotopes'
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day 2: 30.05.24
Yi Hou - 'Glacially enhanced silicate weathering constrained by Si isotopes and Ge/Si of biogenic silica in Holocene lake sediments'
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day 2: 30.05.24
Invited talk: Luc André - 'The key role of the Archean oceanic Si cycle in the growth of early continental crust'
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day 2: 30.05.24
Janine L. Schmitter - 'A robust signal in diatom δ30Si across the last deglaciation' presented by Gregory F. de Souza
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day 2: 30.05.24
Discussion session 4
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